Academic Workshops

Race Workshops

“Conversations on Mestizaje, Transculturation, and Anti-Black Racism in Latin America”

March 24, 2021

This special workshop brought together scholars to discuss this important topic.
Find more information, including a link to the recorded event.

Race and Antisemitism: Contemporary Global Perspectives

September 24, 2020

This special workshop brought together scholars to discuss this important topic.
Find more information, including a link to the recorded event.

The Universal Idea of Race, Semiotic Commerce and Vernacular Occurrences

February 10, 2019

The Ackerman Center hosted a workshop with both UT Dallas professors and visiting scholars.

  • Opening remarks: Dr. Nils Roemer, Stan and Barbara Rabin Professor of Holocaust Studies
  • Pedro Gonzalez (UT Dallas), Manufacturing Race: Racial Technologies in Mexico, Building Blocks of a Modern Nation-State.”
  • Dr. Yael Siman (Iberoamericana University), “Race, Mestizaje, and Antisemitism: Political and Social Experiences of Holocaust Survivors in Mexico in the 1930s and 1940s”
  • Dr. Whitney Stewart (UT Dallas), “Racializing the American Home: Home-Making on James Madison’s Montpelier Plantation”

Racism and the Disciplinary Differentiation of Science and Philosophy

May 17, 2018 

This workshop was held in conjunction with the 8th Annual Conference on Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology, which sought to explore the interplay between human, ethical, cultural, and political values, on the one hand, and science, technology, engineering, and medical research and practice, on the other hand. More details on the Racism and the Disciplinary Differentiation of Science and Philosophy conference.

Philosophers and Race Workshop

September 24, 2018

Visiting scholars: Demetrius L. Eudell (Wesleyan University), Emily S. Lee (CSU Fullerton)
From UT Dallas: Charles Hatfield, Peter Park, Nils Roemer, and Shilyh Warren.

A flyer for the Philosophers and Race Workshop event

Workshop on Anti-Semitism

October 11, 2017 

Dr. Charles Asher Small, Director of the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy and the former Director of the Yale Center for the Study of Antisemitism, met with graduate students to discuss the current state of research into the subject of anti-Semitism.