Funding Opportunities

Selwin Belofsky Fellowship in Holocaust Studies

The Selwin Belofsky Fellowship in Holocaust Studies is awarded to students who are working on topics related to the Holocaust, and who have been accepted to the PhD program of the School of Arts and Humanities at The University of Texas at Dallas. 

Mala and Adolph Einspruch Fellowship for Holocaust Studies

Dr. Burton Einspruch created this fellowship in memory of his parents, Mala and Adolph Einspruch. This fellowship is awarded annually and offers a modest stipend to help support a UT Dallas graduate student who will focus on Holocaust studies.

Mike Jacobs Fellowship in Holocaust Studies

The children and grandchildren of the late Mike Jacobs established this fellowship in his honor to recognize the life of a man who witnessed history and shared his story with others. Jacobs, a Holocaust survivor, successful businessman, and author, was known as an enthusiastic speaker and a dedicated member of the Dallas Jewish community. This fellowship is awarded annually and offers a modest stipend to help support a UT Dallas graduate student who will focus on Holocaust studies.

Graduate Research Funding

The following endowments were created as part of An Evening with Zsuzsi in honor of our beloved Dr. Zsuzsanna Ozsváth and her late husband Dr. Istvan Ozsváth, a founding professor of mathematics at UT Dallas. The funds help students in perpetuity to conduct original research in archives and libraries and to attend and present that research at conferences.

  • The Istvan and Zsuzsanna Ozsváth Research Fund
  • Herman Abrams Research Fund
  • The Max and Florence Wolens Research Fund in honor of Istvan and Zsuzsanna Ozsváth

The following endowments have been created to help students present their original research in conjunction with the Annual Scholars’ Conference on the Holocaust and the Churches.

  • Charles M. Schwarz Endowment in Holocaust Studies
  • Richard Gundy & Steven Gundy Family Endowment in Holocaust Studies